Crystals for Healing


4 week course, 6.30 - 8pm on Zoom weekly

Discover which Crystals are best to use for Healing for your Angelic Crystal Healing Experience. Daisy uses all her healing skills and various techniques to bring this unique healing art to life with amazing results. What you can expect from working with specific crystals is clarity and clear vision. There are so many different stones, all with their own qualities and healing properties. Choosing the appropriate crystals for your issue is very important as you build up a relationship of trust with your stones. We complete the exercises with a short relaxing meditation to enhance your healing experience. If you wear a lot of crystal jewelry or collect crystal skulls and other gems, we will show you the best way to keep them clean and clear.

Price £150.00

Early Birds Repeaters, Soul & Spirit Magazine Readers Code only £120.00

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